• [OT] Hamburg wants to get away from Microsoft products

    From Yrrah@110:300/11 to All on Wed Jun 3 14:00:46 2020
    "After the cautiously announced return to open source software in
    Munich by the SPD and the Greens, more free software is to be used in
    the administration of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg in the future.
    This was also agreed upon by the SPD and the Greens during their
    coalition negotiations in Germany's second largest city.(...)" <https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/gv3la0/hamburg_wants_to_get_away_from_microsoft_products/>

    "WhatΓÇÖs not clear, however, is whether Hamburg is planning a full
    switch to open source or just a partial transition that would have the
    city replace software like the Microsoft Office productivity suite
    with alternatives like LibreOffice." <https://news.softpedia.com/news/another-german-city-wants-to-replace-microsoft-with-open-source-software-530156.shtml>

    To Linux or not to Linux, that's the question...


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Subversion International (110:300/11@linuxnet)
  • From Carlos E.R.@110:300/11 to All on Wed Jun 3 20:37:15 2020
    On 03/06/2020 14.00, Yrrah wrote:
    "After the cautiously announced return to open source software in
    Munich by the SPD and the Greens, more free software is to be used in
    the administration of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg in the future.
    This was also agreed upon by the SPD and the Greens during their
    coalition negotiations in Germany's second largest city.(...)" <https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/gv3la0/hamburg_wants_to_get_away_from_microsoft_products/>

    "WhatΓÇÖs not clear, however, is whether Hamburg is planning a full
    switch to open source or just a partial transition that would have the
    city replace software like the Microsoft Office productivity suite
    with alternatives like LibreOffice." <https://news.softpedia.com/news/another-german-city-wants-to-replace-microsoft-with-open-source-software-530156.shtml>

    To Linux or not to Linux, that's the question...

    Notice that they may use LibreOffice in Windows. It is important, though.

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Kofo System II BBS (110:300/11@linuxnet)