• PTC upgrade and signals

    From Michael Moroney@moroney@world.std.spaamtrap.com to misc.transport.rail.americas on Sun Sep 26 00:28:03 2021
    I'm not sure how many follow this group but I'll try...

    A rail line out of Boston (Fitchburg line) is being upgraded with PTC at
    this time. Commuter rail is 'bustituted' around this segment during the
    work but freight still runs (why?). There is a signal at the entrance
    to a rail yard in Fitchburg, there are three lights each on two columns
    for the two tracks there. I've noticed they've attached a fourth light
    head on each side. It is not above or below the others but off to the
    side. Right now, as it's not in service yet, it's pointing away and
    covered with black plastic so it's hard to tell the final configuration.
    What will this new signal head display, what meanings will it have? I
    have the meanings of the colors of the other lights written down
    somewhere, will their meanings change?
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